This psalm intrigues me. It is another psalm lamenting the loss of righteousness in the world- that is, people have grown unjust toward one another (justice and righteousness are often interchangeable in the Bible). People lie, people steal, people oppress. It seems to be the same song, different verse as many of the psalms and passages of the Bible. I think we got it last time... or did we?
Since reading the other psalms about injustice (and prophets about injustice), has my life become any more just? Do I stand by the side of the oppressed who cry out to God, or do I stand by those who gain by their misery? Or worse, do I just prefer to stand off to the sides and let injustice sort itself out? Far too often, I find myself in the latter categories.
I want to stand by the side of the oppressed, but that means I might be oppressed too. Choosing the side of God is rarely easy and always involves cost. Lord, help me to count the cost of discipleship. Let me follow you in ways that risk. For the risk I face is nothing compared to your strength and protection. Amen.
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