Just when we thought we had moved on from David to Asaph and Korah, the organizers of the book of Psalms sneak another Davidic prayer into the mix. And much like other Davidic psalms, it begins in the muck and mire of David's painful circumstances. Yet there is something different about this one.
Certainly, David calls upon God to act in justice to save him. And in this, David trusts God to do whatever is right. However, there is something else going on in this passage that is truly remarkable. David asks for a different way of living in the midst of his trials. Often, when we encounter rough times, we just focus on surviving the crisis and making it through the other side. And that can be valid, God designed us to operate that way to some extent.
Yet, we also find ourselves in crisis mode making some shady decisions in order to make it. And in those moments, we can take a cue from David and ask God for the wisdom and direction to make the right decisions, even when it's hard. I pray that we can each take those cues today.
I want to take from this also to ask God for wisdom and direction to make the right decisions, even when it is hard and I am not sure. Amazing at times when the tough times are shared the decisions come. And you know they are clearly from God and know exactly what to do. It becomes peace that passes all understanding, even when YOU thought what YOU were doing was right. Love God's work in my life.