Friday, December 3, 2010

Psalm 92

I sometimes get depressed when I watch Christian preachers on television. I'll admit that if I were televised, someone would get depressed watching me, but that's one really good reason I'm not televised. Some programs are just church services televised, others are pastors specifically talking into the camera for no other audience than the home audience. One day, I tuned in to a pastor who spent the entire time I was watching preaching against instrumental music in worship. My first thought was, "Really? All the problems in the world, and you want to convince people not to use instruments in worship?" And so I watched, my heart hardening to his message every minute as I entered into mental combat about his theology. I will confess that I am not proud of this. In fact, I have to repent of my pride in this circumstance. What is also true is that I am convinced of the power of instrumental music to carry us in worship. This psalm is an example.

This is a psalm for Sabbath day worship in the Temple and probably in the home. Only a couple instruments are mentioned, so it's possible to follow this psalm's instructions at home. And the worship is free and joyful. This song laments that more people don't see the works of God's hands, and rejoices in God's victory- a victory for us means even more as Jesus defeated death and sin on the cross and out of the tomb. Because of this victory, we have every right and all the reason we need to worship God; not only on the Lord's Day, but everyday. May this be a day of praise to God for you as well as me.


  1. v.14 Even in old age they will still produce fruit.
    I think in our church we have certain proof retirement is out "when you are involved in doing God's work." yea

  2. Indeed, Sandy, we often forget that Jesus was retirement age (for his day) when he started his ministry at 30-ish.
