Consider right now the amount of noise that you can hear. My office is fairly still right now, yet I can hear my fingers pounding the keys, the slight whine of my laptop, the delicate hum of the lights and even the welcome sound of bird songs outside my window. While these sounds are neither painful or unwelcome, it reminds me that my life is so very noisy.
Over Lent, I tried to spend a certain time without input from books, voices, music, TV, internet, computers, Wii, or anything else. Thirty minutes of complete silence and stillness. It was incredibly difficult, and many days it would be a torture to get through. It is hard to still the mind sometimes, noise invades and distracts.
The psalmist gives us a new perspective on stillness, and it is wrapped up in humility and utter dependence on God. Often we depend on the noise- it validates us and directs us whichever way our emotions want to go. However, the humble declaration that God is the One who directs our paths makes much of the noise irrelevant and draws us back to the One who sustains us. May your soul be stilled like a weaned child this day.
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