Wednesday, August 31, 2011

John 6:1-24

Jesus' ministry is often a series of events creating tension and release.

For the people of Jesus' day, it is often a series of events creating hope and disappointment.

Jesus performs a tremendous miracle, transforming scarcity to abundance. This is no small thing.

Then Jesus, sensing the will of the crowd to make Him king, disappears. He even leaves the disciples, who just decide to take off because of His disappearance. Jesus goes up into a mountain, just to be alone. What Jesus is doing there, we don't know. But one thing is for sure- that was a disappointing end for the people and the disciples.

Sometimes, we can't be sure what God is up to or why. Sometimes, we as Christians have to face our disappointment. It's never fun, it isn't romantic, and it just plain hurts sometimes. Even the disciples could be seen as giving up.

However, Jesus approaches us in the storms of disappointment and frustration. Notice that in this story, Jesus does not rebuke the wind and the waves, but gets in the boat with the disciples and sits with them until they get to the other shore (it is pretty immediate). The only thing Jesus tells the disciples is to not be afraid.

Sometimes, Jesus gets us immediately through the storms. Other times, Jesus sits in the boat and reminds us to not be afraid. Either way, I am grateful that Jesus joins me in my frustration and disappointment.

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