Friday, October 7, 2011

I am the God who Brought You- Into the Thick Darkness

Frankly, I am not a dark person. There's a reason most movie monsters come out in the dark, and why haunted houses are always dark, and why we spent so much time on creating lights. Dark is not fun. And then we come to the end of the 10 Words (or commandments) story in Exodus, and God shows up in the middle of thick darkness, and even invites Moses into it. Personally, I would ask for a little "let there be light" so that I could see in the thick darkness. Or maybe I would quote 1 John 1:5 and say that in God there is no darkness at all. On my worst days, I might want to even go and get a flashlight. Either way, at the end of my excuses, Bible quoting and fear, I am still on the outside and not where God is. To be frank, I think we have the whole "God thing" way too figured out. Following God is so tame and nice that it involves no risk and mystery. The only mystery are the Bible verses that make us panic before we silently decide never to read them again- I'm looking at you, Lamentations. There we go, mystery solved. We can move on. I feel somewhat empty by this understanding of following God. It's boring. After all, we never tell stories of boring things. You will never hear me tell a story of the time I drank that glass of water and it tasted just like water. You'd be bored by that story. But when following God, we seem perfectly content to be bored and boring. Instead, I wonder what would happen if we followed the God who invited us into mystery, into being called beyond what our spiritual gifts inventory would tell us to do, beyond the social groups we are "planted" in and into the lives of the marginalized around us. What is the mystery you might be called into today?


  1. I tend to wonder why I believe this gospel at all, and how I was led to have a meager understanding of Jesus. What compels me to follow this God who I can't even see or explain to some one? Why be excited about an invisible Kingdom to which I am called, and how do I know that I am called in the first place? To those who understand, no explanation is needed and you just shake your head in agreement, but to those who don't get what I'm talking about, it seems complete foolishness. That's a mystery... that's what I wonder about

  2. Good morning!!! Being invited into the dark by God and then being with Him in the dark is a lot different(like the difference between night and day) than going there alone. We have so many of His promises to hold on to, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you" etc. that our fear of any situation, person, or circumstance should disappear because He is!!!
    We've learned recently in Ridder that when our emotions are high(e.g. fear) then our reasoning faculties are low. Father help me see you in ALL things and trust in You so that my stories are ALL about You and Your Faithfulness!!! Thank You for ALWAYS being with us!!!

  3. Good morning!!! I just read Rich Mullins' spiritual writing: "Scared of the Dark" pages 257 - 260 in "An Arrow Pointing to Heaven" If you can't find it let me know and I'll scan it and e-mail it to you. It's really Good!!!
