Proverbs 19:2 "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way."
Zeal without knowledge is indeed not good. As I reflect on this proverb, one of the first things I think about is how much zeal without knowledge exists in our world. We get flooded with so much information in the information age that we live soundbyte to soundbyte, collecting just a big enough quote to get ourselves angry. And then we move on to the next soundbyte. But is that true knowledge? What if listening is more than just waiting for your turn to talk?
I hope that I can grow in patience so that I can become a better listener. I pray that I can seek knowledge before zeal. Certainly, zeal is important and the zeal of the Lord is an important trait. But zeal is fanaticism if not tempered with patience, a listening spirit and a desire to seek the Truth rather than whatever seems easy at the time. May we seek the Truth together.
What proverb from chapter 19 rings true to you?
Amen to that, Andy, d.z.