Pain focuses the mind, but not usually in a good way. Pain has the unique ability to focus our minds... on the pain. Having struggled with bouts of pain for the past five years, I can still remember what it was like to be only thinking about what hurts and what I can do to alleviate the pain. In fact, my memory doesn't need to go back far- only a few days ago my mind was consumed by the post-surgery soreness. But that's the power that pain can have.
A lot of us live this way, even though the pain may not be physical. A lot of us hold onto deep and powerful pain that is physical, emotional, and spiritual. And we live our entire lives to alleviate that pain. People turn to all sorts of sources looking to flee pain. But is flight from pain any way to live?
God offers us a new life. Jesus came to live the human experience in order to invite us into His life, new and abundant life as our Bible tells us. This life is not about running away, but running to. We run to God and toward life. Healing from our pain will take time, it always does. And the healing process is one we cannot rush, it is one we have to go through. So as I eventually build up back to my level of physical activity pre-surgery, I hope to remember these lessons about God and the life God offers. See you soon!
Blessings always,
Welcome back Andy!!!!! Here's to pain(trials, tribulation, persecution, all those things we'd rather avoid) as long as we allow them to turn us back to the only lasting source of joy and hope we have, always trusting Him who allowed them into our lives in the first place.