Probably one of the most famous penitential psalms, here is the poem that gives us "Create in me a clean heart, O God" and other musical confessions of sin. It also contains the theme verse for a drama ministry I took part in during my college years. Needless to say, Psalm 51 has had an important place in my heart for some time.
Yet it strikes me as new today, it is difficult to read it today. I just watched for the first time a film called "Call + Response: A concert to end world slavery," and even as a person who has tried to be informed about the global slave trade, it once again unraveled my careful defense mechanisms and laid bare the harsh reality that I make decisions every day that promote the global slave trade. Even as I type this onto my laptop screen, I do so knowing that my laptop (as well as the cell phone I used this morning) could not have come to me without a mineral mined almost exclusively in the world by slaves. Many of those slaves are children. As I watched, I was caught up in the music and the images of this tragedy. And my scattered thoughts began to crystallize on one thought - repentance. I prayed right there, now I wish I were informed more by the prayer of Psalm 51. Especially verse 7.
My desire for cheaper products and better convenience helps create this mess. So, I too, am messy. I could point the finger at the powerful for letting this happen. I could point the finger at the slave traders who have to live with themselves. Yet, I must point the finger at myself. I am part of the mess. I am messy. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Come, Lord Jesus.
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