This psalm plays out some like a scary movie- David is once again trapped when Saul sends his death squads to David's house. Now a prisoner in his own home, David hears the would-be assassins and the joy they take in besieging his home. He hears the taunts and curses they shout out to goad him, to trick him into coming out to face them in combat. And so David sits in his home, given to him by King Saul, wondering when it will end. He waits for the darkness, because maybe in the darkness they will leave him alone. But the darkness only makes it worse. He can still hear them, and they have taken to scavenging the streets to pass the time. David seems to be haunted by them.
Sometimes we too can be haunted. We can be haunted by bad decisions, torn relationships, mistakes, behaviors, trauma that other people have inflicted upon us. We too can feel like prisoners in our own homes and our own bodies, while our thoughts have a field day tearing us down. And we too can cry out to God. And we too can have hope that in the morning, the sun will rise. Our hope is even more powerful than David's, because we know about Easter morning, when not only did the sun rise but Jesus also rose. As Malachi puts it, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. May you experience a sunrise in your life today, and may the glory go to God.
Because of Jesus Christ we have hope which brings healing. Thanks