Have you ever had one of those days?
The psalmists seem to have several of those days- where the world seems stacked, but not in their favor. Here is another one. Today's psalm fragment has the psalmist straining so hard to find God's promises and God's salvation that his or her eyes are failing (verse 123). Now, the psalmist argues, is time to act.
I pray that I would have that kind of passion. I am sometimes so content with mediocrity that instead of strain, I just give up. But God rarely asks for mediocrity. God asks for something greater- enthusiasm.
I choose the word enthusiasm, not because we are supposed to resemble a divine pep rally in our faith, but because enthusiasm comes from ancient Greece. Originally, enthusiastic meant "filled with a god." I like that definition a lot more than "peppy," don't you? Enthusiasm in the spiritual sense is not about positivity, but about being filled with God. And when we are truly filled up with God, even in tough times, we will be like the psalmist who seeks God until our eyes grow faint. I pray enthusiasm for you today.
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