On the way out of home and into pilgrimage, it doesn't take too long before one realizes just how daunting the journey is. Place yourselves in the shoes of an ancient Israelite. On the path, there would be wild animals, bandits, raids from enemy nations, and you were pretty vulnerable. The terrain is unforgiving at best and it would be easy to slip. And as you walk near all of the hills, you see shrines at the tops of those hills. Idolatry is a hard habit to get rid of, and this is no different. All of those shrines are called "high places," literally closer to heaven where people would offer sacrifices to other gods. Meanwhile, you're going to offer sacrifices to God in Jerusalem. Wouldn't it be easier to stop off at one of these hills, and offer sacrifices there?
But this psalm is a re-affirmation of commitment. I look to the hills, and my help does not come from there. My help comes from the LORD. And so in your pilgrimage, although you are tempted to step off the path, keep on it. And although the pilgrimage may be tough, remember that God will never let your foot slip, and will keep you from harm.