Hey Jude. There, I had to say it at least once, now it's out of the way. Jude is full book, even its short length, and a lot can be made if we broke it up into smaller chunks. But that's not what I'm going to do- because this article makes a pretty singular thrust. Aside from the fact that Jude quotes a book that is not considered to be Scripture by most Protestant traditions and talks about a story that does not show up in the Old Testament, Jude is pretty straightforward.
Evil exists. That we can accept. Evil exists within every human heart. That we can accept, although with some reluctance. God cares about dealing with evil. That we can accept, even though we see evil (practically) prevailing in many arenas.
So what do we do? Do we try to find the evil people and kick them out of our churches? Do we start some witch trials? Do we regard everyone with fear? Probably not. At least, not according to Jude.
Jude tells us to stay connected and to always grow. Teachability, or humility/meekness, is one of the most highly praised traits in the Bible. People who increasingly lean on God and God's ways are blessed. As I read the book of Jude, it encourages me to constantly grow. Some of Cain's ways and Korah's rebellion exist in my heart, and as I keep giving those areas to God for healing and transformation, I become more of who God designed me to be. So keep on the path.
To stay connected, Jude does not tell us to abandon people who go down the wrong path. Some could be toxic to us (especially if violent), and so some fear and discernment is required. But with many, mercy and compassion are enough. With others, intervention may be required. But in all things, resting on the power and wisdom of God is best.
After I read Andy's comments I had to go back over the verses as I was sure there must be something that tells us to disconnect from these sorts... but found nothing, sad to say... I guess the easy way out is not God's way out in this case... Guess I've got some work to do... Thanks Andy.