2 John, written in a fairly transparent code, highlights one of the central problems that the Church faces- deception. There weren't very many "pastors" for churches right off the bat, and so there were many traveling figures (like Paul) who would come and teach. It wasn't until later NT times that people like Timothy were raised up to stay in an area and fulfill a function similar to the modern-day pastor (in teaching respects).
The church John is writing to in 2 John is one of these churches. It is a church making disciples (raising children) and rockin' along in the mission of God. However, there are issues, too. And there are love issues.
The big issue of the day is incarnation- did Jesus really come in the flesh? This is far from an academic debate- it has consequences on the way we live. As long as Jesus wasn't really human, as long as Jesus didn't really have human skin and the power to make human decisions, God is still distant. Which means we can be distant- we don't need the kind of face-to-face love that God has instilled in us since the beginning.
But Jesus did come in the flesh, God is not distant, God's love that we reflect onto others is meant to be in our very steps (walk in love). And so let's carry that love with us today.
We are indeed fortunate today to have God's Word in the New Testament as well as the Holy Spirit's insight to help us identify truth and protect us from error. Thank you Father for both. Amen.