Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God is Holy and Merciful: Kneeling Up Front

2 Chronicles 6 details the dedication of the Temple, a proud and glorious moment for Israel, who has struggled with obedience and is short on proud and glorious moments. Yet, even in this great moment, there are things that Solomon does which just baffle the mind. In proud moments, we like to think of ourselves as standing strong. You never see a State of the Union address delivered kneeling down. In fact, our current president continues to take criticism for bowing to other world leaders (years ago). Kneeling is not a good sign, now or ever. Yet this is the posture Solomon chooses.

If I believe that Solomon was the wisest man to ever live (behind Jesus), then he must have had his reasons. And indeed, I believe that a lot of leadership comes from the posture of kneeling, even kneeling up front. Leaders are supposed to be strong and impenetrable. In the movie U-571, when a new submarine captain admits he doesn't know the right answer, only to be chided by his second-in-command for looking weak. We always need the right answer, and we need to always stand on our own two feet. This is to our detriment, I think. Solomon isn't afraid to kneel up front.

Leaders are people who have influence over others, whether that influence be in the context of family, church, community or business. If you have such influence, I would invite you to kneel more often. Remember that we are not kings and queens with our own little monarchies, but stewards of a great gift God has given us. And let that be known, let it be known that you are seeking after Christ and His Kingdom, let it be known that you are seeking to align your life in God's ways, and let it be known through your humility. Dictators use God's will as a hammer to their opponents, servants seek God's will as a corrective to their own. May we all find ways to humbly kneel up front this day.

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