Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jesus is the Perfect Picture of God: Been There All Along

One question that came up as people began to think about Jesus and interpret His life is: "If Jesus is divine, where has He been this whole time?" So where was He?

Hebrews is one of my favorite books of the New Testament because it takes the life of Jesus and the story of God (from the Old Testament) and adds a ton of depth to it all. This is also why Hebrews can be a difficult book to read- it presumes a pretty deep knowledge of the Old Testament.

In the opening verses, the author of Hebrews lays it all out on the table- the Son has existed since eternity past. The Son was there at creation (vs 2), and the Son has sustained the entire world through His word (vs 3). In other words, long before Jesus was born, the Son of God has been at God's work, preparing this world for the completion of God's plan.

I can apply this not only to the cosmos, but also to my personal life. I don't always acknowledge Jesus and the presence of Jesus in my life. I try, especially in joyful times, to celebrate what Jesus has been up to. But when I don't see Jesus walking the halls and I don't see His face directly, it requires more intentionality. But even when I don't acknowledge Jesus, He is always at work and is bringing heaven and earth together.

How has Jesus been at work in your life recently?

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