Friday, December 23, 2011

God's Hopeful Future (Isaiah 9:1-7): Practicing Righteousness

I believe that Christmas holds the promise of a better world. It sparks my imagination to wonder what a world reigned by peace, justice and righteousness would look like. In the Nativity scene, I see a rare moment where there are no boundaries between people, and no boundaries between people and the life-changing presence of God. It's pretty darn cool, if you ask me.

So, let's let the imagination fly. What would my world look like governed by righteousness? What would I look like governed by righteousness?

I think my anxiety would be lower, because my trust in God would be higher. Abraham's righteousness was in his trust of God's promises, so it stands to reason that righteousness would show up in faith.

Because my anxiety would be lower, I would be more open and welcoming to the people around me. My marriage would improve because I could honestly and thoughtfully communicate. My friends would feel valued by me in every conversation. My church would know my love for them. Strangers would feel like family, because I wouldn't fear anyone.

Because I would be more hospitable, I would naturally get more passionate for those on the margins, for those who do not experience hospitality by general society. In other words, I would be active in justice. My life would be community-oriented because my perspective would be like God's.

What would your life look like if governed by righteousness?

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