Friday, February 17, 2012

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14): On "Engaging"

We all do it. We have words that fill up with meaning for us, and so we use them whenever possible. For example, you will find me using the word "transformation" all the time. Why? It's full of meaning.

One of the words that still brings a smile to my face is the word "engage." When I was at Cornerstone University, we used the word "engage" all the time. We were supposed to "engage" our minds and imaginations, "engage" the culture around us, and yes, we often celebrated people getting "engaged" on campus. Eventually, people didn't want to hear any more about "engaging" anything.

And yet, there is something inherently engaging about the word "engaged." It means to connect. There is something amazing that happens in connection, especially in human relationships. It seems that there is something inherently life-giving about relationships. They encourage, they challenge, they sometimes even cause pain and anguish. But the life that comes from relationships far outweighs the cost.

Jesus was a constantly engaging fellow. While Paul sometimes got shrugged off, Jesus never did. He always provoked life and energy in people. For some, the energy was to follow; for others, the energy was to oppose. Either way, Jesus brought life wherever He went.

In the past twelve months or so, I have been discovering the engaging life of following Jesus. I have been a follower for longer than six months, but during this time, Jesus has really invited me in a closer walk. And it can be tough to manage. The closer I get to Jesus, the more I see my own faults. But it's also true that I have experienced more life.

Following Jesus isn't always like the rush of skydiving or an adventure like "Lord of the Rings." But sometimes it involves the rush of joy following a time of prayer or the adventure of a new and messy relationship with someone who needs the healing grace of Jesus Christ. The mystery of this life is something I can't explain, nor can I measure it. Some would say that I have reached a level of higher self-actualization, or am feeling the rush associated with the youth/maturity boundary I find myself in (at 26 years old).

I humbly disagree. Frankly, following Jesus is the thing that matters most. I believe that Jesus is Lord and that the lordship of Jesus both enacts blessing on my life and makes demands of my life. And if that means I get engaged in the tough and the good, then bring it on.

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