Friday, September 21, 2012


"May your God make Solomon’s name more famous than yours and his throne greater than yours!" - 1 Kings 1:47

According to 1 Kings 1, people congratulated David with this blessing. "I hope Solomon is greater than you," they essentially say. Allow me to confess my surprise when I read that this was considered "congratulations."

I'm sure that many parents can totally understand this blessing, since I have heard parents say that they hope that their children accomplish more than they have. I am not a parent and so I do not understand that feeling. But that doesn't mean I don't already think about things like legacy and how I am remembered.

The blessing given to David is that the seeds he planted grow into harvest under someone else's reign. Someone else will get the credit/reward for what David did. This is a valuable perspective to have, and I want it to be mine. The reality is that we are all preparing the earth for the next generation. We will leave our worksites, our families and our neighborhoods for someone else to take over. And I want it to be better.

So who are you preparing your world for?

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