Monday, April 19, 2010

Ecclesiastes 2:17-26

Heather and I had a great time snow-shoeing while there was still snow on the ground, and we walked a small trail east of Empire. As we trudged along, we came upon a dilapidated building. It used to be a processing shack for Maple syrup, but it had long since collapsed. We couldn't even go inside because the building could have completely fallen in on top of us. I read this section of Ecclesiastes and think of that building. People made their living within this building, and now its a ruin, a monument to what came before. In a world where everything is "built to last," what really lasts? Buildings like the Colosseum were built to last, and now its a tourist attraction. This Ecclesiastes wisdom is indeed true, that we can't truly build a guaranteed future. We can't control the future, we can only live here in the present. So let's endeavor to remember God in each moment and find our joy in Him.

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