Sometimes we have beliefs that go unquestioned, and momst of the time they hover right below the surface. One of them is this- good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people. But there are "good people" who are being trampled down, and there are "bad people" who are rewarded and sleep well at night. How does that happen?
Ecclesiastes struggles with this very issue, and also comes up with an answer. That is, it comes up with the fact that there is no answer. At least there is no answer that we have immediate access to. Some things just go beyond human understanding. After all, the simple answers (God is arbitrary, there are things beyond God's control, etc.) don't end well theologically.
So what do we do in these kinds of scenarios, when it seems like the unjust thing is happening? We live in obedience to God. We speak for those without a voice. We act for God's Kingdom in all times and all places. I pray that we seek for ways to live for God's Kingdom today.
I support your last paragraph. And if we are in Christ the Holy Spirt guides because in me I will want to fix it my way.