Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the Law."
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint. What an interesting way to point out yet another way we are dependent on God! As I read this proverb, the mythology in my head about my character being formed by my actions and experiences crumbles away in my realization that the only character I have is because of God's revelation of Himself in the world. Without God's character showing up in creation and in the Word, I would have no bearing to set my life. This morning, as I type, the reality of God permeating the world even to the heart makes me thankful.
It also challenges me to stay connected to God in the Word and prayer. Realizing that the farther I place myself from being aware of God's revelation, the more apt I am to "cast off restraint," the best possible way to avoid such behavior would be to stick with spiritual practices that refresh my mind and heart in God's revelation. I hope you will join me in that today- one option would be to join us for prayer tonight at 5:30 in the prayer room off from the sanctuary.
What proverb jumped out at you this morning?
yes, God is our "plumb-line". May I disregard man's plumb-line. Thanks, Andy, D.Z.