Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Psalm 101

We're back to a psalm of David, and this one sounds to me like a good way to wake up in the morning. Waking up with the praise of God on one's lips could change the outlook of our day. I've just started a new spiritual workout routine that begins the day listening for God. And while it's only been one day, I have started the day with tremendous peace and am ready to tackle whatever comes along my way.

As I read further in the psalm, I am encouraged to begin my day committing myself to staying on God's path- being on God's mission. I want to keep the evil things out of my mind and encourage the things that love God and neighbor. I want to seek wise counsel and put to silence the proud and wicked thoughts I have. Please join me today in making a commitment we can't possibly keep without the Holy Spirit- to live blamelessly today.


  1. Andy, that's what I want to do when I waken at night and can't sleep----listen to God, instead of to myself. Wonder why that is so hard to do. d.z.

  2. I want to wake up w/the praise of God on my lips and all other things to wait. I want to focus on God first thing. Sometimes I run to my space and wait and listen but those other times I let stuff in first but because of the Holy Spirit's presence tugging on me I can get back to the focus of God and what He wants for me today. Makes my day so much better.
