Friday, February 25, 2011

Psalm 117

At two verses, this may be the shortest psalm in the book. Yet, it drives right to the point in a compact but easy to remember way.

First, this psalm is for all the nations, and all peoples. I find this interesting because most of the psalms are focused on Israel, the covenant people of God in the Old Testament. However, this psalm is universal in its reach. All peoples are called to praise the Lord.

Why praise? Because God will smite you if you don't? Nope. Because you will be blessed with riches if you praise well? Nope. Rather, this psalm notes that God is the one who acts first. God is the past, present and future of this psalm. God has acted in love to rescue and save. God's love sustains us day-by-day in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. And finally, God's faithfulness means that there is no worry that God's love will change anytime soon.

Knowing that, I will gladly join my voice in the Hallelujah that ends this psalm. How about you?

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