Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Proverbs 2

When is the last time you called out for insight? I'm not sure I ever searched for wisdom like a pirate searching for buried treasure. But then the author takes a masterful turn. Searching for wisdom is really searching for God. Wisdom is not a goal unto itself, it isn't just about knowing what to do. It is seeking God. Take yourself to the desert, where water is rare. The sun is beating down on you (which could be hard to imagine in February in Northern MI) and you are thirsty. As you walk, you see right in front of you a puddle. It has clean, fresh water. But fifty yards ahead, you see a babbling brook. For the sake of argument, let's say you could only stop at one of those watering holes. Do you go for the puddle, or the source of the water? I think most of us would take the extra few steps and find ourselves at the source. The search for Wisdom is much like the search for water in the desert. We desperately need it, but the more we search for it, the more we realize that Wisdom is only kinda what we need. What we really need is the source of the Wisdom, the one who "gives wisdom" (Proverbs 2:6). May we search for wisdom, call out for insight, and cry aloud for understanding today. And may we find the giver of Wisdom, our Heavenly Father.


  1. Andy, Good morning and thanks for continuing!!!!!! I thank and praise God for you.... I want to understand better what God means when He says through Solomon: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" Chapter 1:7 and in Chapter 2:5 "Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God." Any comments??? Thanks.

  2. Steve,

    I want to know what that means too! I wonder if this journey toward wisdom is a journey not meant to be totally fulfilled. And I totally believe that pursuing God and picking up knowledge along the way is a worthy goal. After all, look at the effects of the relentless pursuit of "knowledge for knowledge's sake." The 20th century was unparalleled in violent death and destruction. For all of the medicine and good uses of technology, we have destroyed far more. Today we know that "knowledge for knowledge's sake" is a ruse, we all have agendas for the knowledge we gain. "Knowledge is power," it has been said, and unfortunately humanity is bent in such a way that power gained is usually power abused. I pray that my actions and my pursuits come out of a desire to love my God and appreciate God's creation* more!

    *Especially kayak-able waterways ;)
