Thursday, April 28, 2011

Psalm 127

Pilgrimage, or the spiritual life, is a tricky balance. On the one hand, pilgrimage is tough work. For physical pilgrimage, it involves days of walking, preparation and motivation. For the spiritual journey, it involves similar energy, discipline and preparation (but it usually isn't as physically demanding). On the other hand, all of that work is fruitless without God. If anybody knew this to be true, it was Solomon.

Solomon's kingship was focused on one enormous task- the building of the Temple of God, which would move God from a tent to a house. And it is reflecting on this task that Solomon writes this psalm. Building the Temple was back-breaking work; in fact, it was so challenging that the workers eventually unionized when Solomon died and fought for some collective bargaining with the next king. Needless to say, the king did not respond well and the workers split off into their own kingdom. But anyway, the work was very difficult. It required the best minds, the strongest backs and the motivation of unwavering vision.

However, the building of the Temple would be impossible without God. God stopped the building of a building once or twice (the Tower of Babel sticks out as one example). This would not be a problem for God. God also provides the strength to finish the Temple. This architectural masterpiece (if standing today, it could be considered a wonder of the world) was probably magnificent to see, but it would be an empty building if not filled with the power of God.

Such is the Christian journey. You can try all day; but without God, it is just trying hard. Likewise, cheap grace can allow your life to become stagnant. Let's find a way to walk this journey in balance.

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