Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Psalm 119 Tav (the end)

It seems almost sad that tomorrow I will be typing "Psalm 120" into's search engine. But now we come to Tav, or Taw, as your Bible may put it. And as we say farewell to the longest psalm, we are humbled by the outcry of the psalmist's heart.

Up until this point, the psalmist has been using his or her own righteousness as justification for God's redemptive protection. Even the Sin/Shin section above is ripe with exclamations of the psalmist's obedience. But here, all of that is gone. The heart is still there- the psalmist desires to see God's salvation. However, the realization of a wayward journey sinks in. The reality of missteps along the way erodes the self-confidence of the psalmist.

However, the God-confidence never goes away. God saves, God teaches, God sustains. And most importantly, God seeks. I have recently found the song "Show Me What I'm Looking For" by Carolina Liar, and the lyrics of that song tap right into what the psalm is talking about. The idea behind the song is that while we've wandered, we also wait to see our heart's desire. For Psalm 119, the heart's true desire is to see God and God's salvation. May you find your heart's true desire today.

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