Wednesday, March 28, 2012

John 14:15-31 "My Part in the Story"

When I was in school, I wanted to be an actor. Something, however, kept me from auditioning. One year, our school did the musical Cinderella and I thought it would be a blast to participate. However, again, I didn't audition. But an opportunity came up for me to still be a part of the show. I was first chair trumpet in the school band, and they needed a trumpeter for the performance. And so I found my part to play in the story. While I was by no means a cast member, I still had fun.

Jesus, in John 14, is trying to prepare the disciples for the end of His earthly ministry and the beginning of theirs. And so Judas' question is an appropriate one. Judas wants to know why Jesus doesn't just reveal Himself to the world like Jesus did to them. Jesus' answer is a bit puzzling. Jesus doesn't answer the question directly.

However, Jesus does actually answer the question by challenging us. Jesus promises the Spirit to empower us to take up our part in the story. When Judas says "Why not tell everyone about you?" Jesus says "Because you will... but don't worry, I am sending the Spirit to give you everything you need to do it."

I love this vision of Christ and Christ's purpose. We have a part in the story! There is something for us to do other than wait for heaven!

And... our capacity to fulfill our part of the story is not the basis of our relationship with God. Christ's capacity to fulfill the part in front of Him is. Therefore I do not live out of fear, but out of hope.

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