Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Psalm 58

Have you ever listened to someone and thought "Yeah, this person really gets it," until all of a sudden the person said something that threw you completely off guard? This psalm does that for me. David starts this psalm calling the rulers of his day to task for the injustices they are a part of, and that is a role that God's people have taken part in since the beginning. It continued through the prophets, until even Jesus and the apostles would speak about the dirty deeds of the rulers. I get that.

What I find difficult is the imagery used toward the end of the psalm. I'm not sure that, even in my anger, I have ever wished that my enemies would be like a stillborn child or that I would bathe my feet in the blood of the wicked. My shock at these images does not deter my faith, yet I see these images and think only of Christ. I think of how Jesus' blood is the only way I rejoice, and that Jesus was entombed from the light of day. I consider how Jesus bore not only my penalty but the penalty of my enemies. I pray grace upon you and me throughout this week.

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