Thursday, July 1, 2010

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is one of those psalms you can't go wrong reading. When people are going through hard times, Psalm 23 gives them comfort and hope about God's presence in the valley of the shadow of death. Those grieving a loss can be comforted that God's presence is forever. When people are harried and stressed out, Psalm 23 is the comfort of quiet waters and green pastures. And for those of us who long for reconciliation and peace wait for the day when we can sit a table in the presence of our enemies (if you want to see a story of how this works out, click here). Psalm 23 is a versatile psalm- what do you think of when you read it?

1 comment:

  1. Andy, I think of a lot of the things you've mentioned. Except the passage about Elisha(click here) helped expand my understanding of reconciliation. When we have the desire not to destroy or get rid of our enemies, but to feed them and even eat with them our heart has been changed by God. Thanks so much for your faithfulness and insight!!!
